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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Blog for Relief Weekend

I want to bleg a bit more for an organization that I feel will definitely be a good organization to donate to: Habitat For Humanity. I thought this was the one that I placed on the Hurricane Katrina: Blog for Relief Weekend. Habitat for Humanity will not be strongly involved with the initial emergency but I know they will be around long after many others are gone and do such great work. However, over at Blog for Relief I'm listed for Catholic Charities which is fine because they are another wonderful organization. You can also find a huge list bleggers(bloggers) and great organizations to donate too at: Hurricane Katrina: Blog for Relief Weekend. I have a lot of faith in the American people and I know we are going to do everything to help these people out of this terrible situation! N.Z.Bear and Glenn Reynolds did a wonderful job in getting this project going!

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When I first started blogging about Hurricane Katrina it seemed there wasn’t much of anything being said or done about this hurricane tragedy. That is quite different now and there are lots of top-notch officials, individuals, organizations, bloggers and just about everyone else for that matter. This is a good thing in my humble opinion; there is a lot of need and a lot of work to be done now and in the future!

I will still add Hurricane Katrina items now and then but this blog is heading back more to its norm. I will also keep the one top Hurricane Katrina post there for quite a while. However, there are plenty of great sources at this point for people to grab tons of information and I will let those sources do the excellent job of disseminating information.

I do apologize to any of the regulars that stop by for the lack of my ordinary content. However, I do think most will more than understand!

blogged by Anonymous @ 9/04/2005


At 17 September, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is the continuity of socio-economic history that enables the repetition of much of the disasters of history.

The ironical thing is, it was due to wealth being dammed up in particular sectors of society that enabled the dams that broke to do its worse.

As i'm inclined to say, Katrina was the aftermath of the disaster that is generally mistaken for the American Dream.

Very few consider the number of lives claimed by this true disaster on a daily basis whether it is in the form of abject dejection or lethal injection. If that number was counted, it would make Katrina little more than a passing cloud of the most meagre of proportions.

btw. i'll give you all i have but first you have to get the capitalist and aristocrat to give till their bank balance equates to mine. If not, it is just a case of the slave begging from a slave so that s/he might remain a slave.... so that more amongst their number might live to die the next day. Time for some effective empathy i think.


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