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Saturday, October 22, 2005

IFTF's Future Now

IFTF's Future Now as stated in the subtitle is all about: “Emerging technologies and their implications for the future.”, and more can be found out about the blog in this section: “What is Future Now?”. It’s an official blog that started back in 2003 for IFTF. There are huge amounts of materials, categories and archives to browse. It is fun to read with many topics discussed that almost guarantee everyone will find something of interest. The blog is crammed with perplexing to profound material that is fascinating to read, ponder, hope for or even worry about. A few title examples include: “Riya - Face Recognition Software”, “Governors Courting Bloggers”, “Caspian, RFID & Spy Chips” and “Quote of the day: Karl Schroeder, "Cyberspace, R.I.P.". I give 9.5 stars. Besides all the great material there is a consistent feed of other links blogged about. The links have interesting sites, blogs, papers, files and more that point to other views, products, services and happenings. An example would be “links for 2005-10-16“ with leads like “Cyberspace as American Culture”, “A Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age” and “DDJ>Is Cyberspace Dead?”. Put on those thinking caps and go over to soak up the subject matter posted by several bloggers.

9.5 stars

blogged by Anonymous @ 10/22/2005


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