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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Radio Free Blogistan

Radio Free Blogistan” is a group written blog about blogs, blogging resources and blogging news but not limited to just these topics alone. I like the category structure at the top of the blog. The design is pleasant and it’s very easy to find things and move around this blog. I found the “The day the blogging died” under the most popular entry section on the sidebar was a bit different; the post may be over a year old but it is an interesting entry. There are over 250 entries to the meme category if you like memes along with years of other archives to browse. I give them 9 stars. The blog is filled with lots of thought provoking material that could be meandered through for hours. Some categories I enjoyed cruising through were the “Best Practices”, “Weblog Concepts”, “Blogosphere” and “Memes”.

9 stars

blogged by Anonymous @ 2/03/2005


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