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Saturday, November 27, 2004

A couple to start going

I hope to take a look at and write about a lot more blogs but one step at a time and that is what I'm doing, one at a time... :)

Please add your comments and ratings to the comment section too.

PLEASE be polite about it though. Some of the idea is "not" to insult people but make a nice place to find out what some blogs are about, what some people think about them and maybe even different peoples likes and dislikes. Maybe it can make a useful blog listing for people to browse and find out interesting blogs to look at. Just another place to look at the raves, rants and ramblings of the blogosphere.

NOTE: If there are others interested in being a team member of this blog out there let me know and send an example or two of a critique and I will consider adding you as a team member to this blog. It's would definitely be better having more people involved in something like this. More variety, ideas and a better blog. Thanks...

blogged by Anonymous @ 11/27/2004


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